Wednesday, April 22, 2009

E's Show Jumping Lesson

My friend E had a show jumping lesson this morning and I decided to tag along to watch. Her horse Tom is a cool guy, this was the first time I really saw him in action.

Here are some of the photographs I got from the lesson. My camera is old, and pretty lame. It takes the photo a second after you press the button, so timing a jumping photo is a art. It's also a gamble whether you get a fuzzy action photo or not. So some of these are a tad fuzzy. Isn't he awesome though? The very last photo is E and Tom jumping 1.35m and the corner in the 2nd photo is 1.3om.

On the way home from the lesson, E let me drive the float home! I was stoaked as I've been wanting to learn how for ages. I went nice and slow and drove nicely. E said I did great! So now I feel pretty confident about driving a float when I get one :)


Anonymous said...

It's great fun to watch someone else have a lesson - particularly one involving big jumps! Thanks for the pictures. Learning to drive your own horses is a big step! Is a float a van or a trailer (please excuse ignorant American)? I have a big truck with a 4-horse gooseneck trailer and it was quite a challenge to learn to drive it.

Katie said...

Hey Kate - a float is a trailer. You don't see many goose necks in New Zealand. Most floats are connected to the tow bar.

Anonymous said...

GREAT shots, especially with a camera that is slow to the punch.

The black and white shot where your friend is jumping and the sun has made a silhouette, is very cool!

The Equus Ink, new home at!